One of my newest interests is salsa dancing. When I began college, I promised myself that I would try at least one crazy new extracurriculur just to push out of my comfort zone. When a friend and I signed up for the salsa club, I had no idea what to expect-- but I now happily call it one of the most formative social groups in my college life, and wouldn't trade anything for the fun I've had.
It took me a long time to catch on, but I'm finally getting the hang of things. While I'm still learning to think quickly on my feet as a social dancer, I have performed in 4 school showcases. I danced a merengue, a salsa, a bachata, and even choreographed a cha cha! I sitll have a long way to go, but I'm excited to keep dancing.
Running: The lifelong sport. Ever since I was old enough to remember, my parents were out pounding the pavement every morning in training for various local road races. I became inspired from a young age, and have been an avid runner ever since. I ran my first half-marathon when I was 13, ran cross-country all throughout high school, and haven't stopped since.
While I no longer run for a team, I enjoy the sport more than ever. No day is complete without at least a short run. When I have a little more free time I plan to train for a marathon. Running as always been a huge part of my life, and I don't plan on slowing down any time soon.
Though I don't get to play much anymore, I'm struck with World Cup fever and reminded of my younger soccer-playing days. Like running, soccer was a big part of my life growing up. I started playing when I was just 4 years old, continued to play club soccer, high school soccer, and even a little in Brazil.
Even now, after my days of playing with a sanctioned team, I manage to play pickup and intramural games at college. I'll always be game to kick around, anytime and anywhere.